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Che Guevara, Tu Y Todos

Che Guevara

Agency: Simmetrico

One man's story behind the legend

Che’s story is told on three different levels, where visitors can relive the days, places, moods and thoughts, personal actions and historical events that saw Che as a protagonist.

A journalistic reconstruction of the geopolitical situation – that’s the first level

In the second, space was given to biographical accounts and public speeches in which he recounted his ideas on the economy, society, the future and revolution.

Finally, the third level, where the Che is discovered and his most personal writings are revealed – from diaries to letters to family and friends, to unpublished recordings of poems – where doubts, contradictions and reflections take shape. 

Three levels to tell the story of the man and the historical character – with his contradictions and difficult choices to face.


Combining history and technology to create an unprecedented exhibition format. We wanted to give the public the chance to learn about the greatness of this character through a series of immersive and interactive experiences


We created the 2D animated graphics.


Combining history and technology to create an unprecedented exhibition format. We wanted to give the public the chance to learn about the greatness of this character through a series of immersive and interactive experiences


We created the 2D animated graphics.